
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Full Circle (A female entrepreneur memoir. In part.)

Over the course of three years, I've run a business. I pause there because I'm just going to let that sink in for myself. I didn't just run a business, I started a business. That in itself is a triumph.

From an idea, to conception, to experimentation, and (my God) through trial and error... to finally finding my model and my place as a businesswoman in this world. It's been a long chunk of time that I've even allowed myself to feel proud and good about that.


Because it's been hard. Really, really hard.

The hardest part? Getting my heart broken more than once. You might say that I have no place in the business world if I could make a statement like that. But why isn't it OK to say so? The toughest moments were those with people - colleagues, clients, and even those I once considered friends who have all but demolished my spirit at times. Don't get me wrong, those moments have been few and far between. But I've been blindsided more than a few times and every time it surprised me. Every time it hurt. I look back now at those moments as major forks in the road. I always had a decision to make. Which way do I go?

I always knew that it was OK to stop...

But I never did.

I never could.

There's a piece of my heart that has absolutely toughened up over time, but I don't want to believe that you can't have a good, kind heart, that you can't believe in people, and still be in this fierce, competitive world.

And you know what else I found? There are far more lovely, encouraging, equally committed, and supportive people out there who are rooting for you to succeed than to fail. And the past forty eight hours have really proven that to me (more on that later) and it's been proven in such a blazingly obvious way, that I feel like it's a direct hit of love and light nudging me... don't stop. Don't you dare stop. 

So I won't.

I've grown so much more into becoming the woman I always wanted to be. And that's huge.

So here I am at another fork in the road, and that road lead me straight back here. The original source of inspiration, but a more grown version.

A grown-up version of November Grey.

Thanks for still being here. I'm going to keep this blogspot as a place to share these thoughts (of course some fashion!) and all the inspirations that keep me going. And make sure to check out - the business side of things. This female entrepreneur won't quit. (And neither should you!)

With love,

Tanya xx