
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Studded Jacket, Striped Turtleneck & Fedora in Chinatown

Today we decided to take the fam to Chinatown via metro to downtown and it was so fun! We kept meaning to make it there sooner for Chinese New Year, but just now got the chance. And the bonus was that it was super mellow there today, sunny with a slight chill, quiet, and perfect.

It almost felt like a mini-vacation. An entire day just us, wandering around, having lunch and doing some shopping. 

We have to keep reminding ourselves to take these moments... because our kiddos will only be this small once. We're so incredibly proud of them. Although Stella is still a bit shy about it, if anyone speaks to her in Chinese, she absolutely understands and will converse back. Bodhi is so outgoing and brave about it, that he speaks without fear, in his limited, only-one-year immersion training. When I doubt myself as a mama, I have to remember all that we're striving for - well rounded, worldly, good little people, and I think we might just be accomplishing that. 

Happy Year of the Dog! 

See links to what I wore below: 

Vintage hat - similar here for a steal