Apparently, I'm all about the vintage red bottoms. Two of my favorite pieces that I wear non-stop (and have for the past few years) are these red shorts and these silk, red trousers. It helps to have some interesting pieces to toss on when you would otherwise just be reaching for denim. These days, making serious effort in an outfit, is a serious challenge, so I'm trying to tailor my go-to wardrobe down to easy and interesting pieces I can just toss on. (More on that later.)
On another note, I was just reading an article on Katie Holmes yesterday and whether she thinks short or long hair is easier. Like her, I've had both. I have to concur that long hair is much much easier. You would think it's the opposite, right? It's true, with my long hair I found myself doing nothing more than tossing it into a top knot bun every day, but who has time to deal with a "hair style?"... not this mama. I've had super long hair for most of my life and this is the second time that I've done a serious chop. It was bold and refreshing and fun... but I must admit, now that it's growing out a bit, I'm finding it easier. Much more versatile too! What do you think? Are you a short or long hair fan?