On the heels of the baggy and cuffed denim epidemic (because I refuse to go the "jeggings" way, I mean "jeggings" it just sounds like "fat legs")... Anyhoo, baggy jeans. Heels. Fab-u-losity.
Raid your man's wardrobe. You don't need a marriage license to do this. Roll em' up. While you're at it, steal his hat too. Fitted blazer. Funky tee and you're good to go. OH, belt that shiz. You'll need it to hold up the pants.
And I am truly freaking out over another pair of Forver21 heels. They are the exact same as the nude perfections I found a couple of months ago, but in a chocolate brown. Also $20. I mean, seriously? I am not telling lies when I say they're pretty damn comfortable too.