I know I say this every time, but I truly am blown away whenever my tiny stylist puts together an outfit for me. On this particular day, she was really feeling red. She pulled out a bright, red sweater and a pair of red, acid washed American Apparel jeans. I cringed at the different shades and vowed to photograph it anyway. But as her tiny hands scrolled over more and more items in my closet (only allowed in moments like these) she changed her mind. She worked her way up - getting her red fix by grabbing these Zara heeled sandals first and deciding I needed a skirt to go with them. The blouse she grabbed right away and I didn't realize it would work until I tucked it in. She pulled out a JewelMint necklace and earrings, and a set of black, metal bangles from Crash and Burn that she had a hard time giving up from her own wrist. What do you think? Very Mad Men, no?