Miss Carly (above) from Thirty Something Fashion and I have been doing nearly one year of collaborations together (see all here) and it's been a blast. She has two little boys, runs a blog, a styling and box service biz and still makes time for keeping friendships tight and marriage solid. Inspiration? Yes.
Then there's Fumika (below). We met when our two little girls fell instantly in love and became inseparable at daycare when they were just 15 months old. Can you imagine?! It's true.
We made a point to help assist their tiny friendship past daycare and into separate preschools, with play dates and meet-ups, and through that time, I realized what an amazing woman and friend Fumika is herself. She moved to LA from New York, but hails all the way from Japan and self-started one of the NEXT BIG NAMES in Jewelry design. (She was sought out as one of JewelMint's collective series and has many other BIG brands currently seeking a contract.) Check out Ace Commune. I know you will love it too.
{Wearing Turquoise Freedom Earrings}
{Extra long Dangle Earrings}
Want the chance to win something from Ace Commune for yourself?
Head over to Thirty Something Fashion
to enter to win a pair of earrings AND a necklace!